

Mercenary Ops - najava

 Yingpei Games, razvojni studio koji je dio Epic Gamesa stoji iza ovog naslova te radi punom parom kako bi nam donio Mercenary Ops za koji mjesec. Riječ je o pucačini iz trećeg lica u kojoj ćemo kontrolirati plaćenike. Kao što je to danas opće prihvaćeno, i Mercenary Ops će koristiti metodu skrivanja iza raznih zidova, barikada i sličnih stvari kao temelj izmjenjivanja vatre s neprijateljima, ali za razliku od većine naslova gdje su te barikade neuništive, ovdje nam obećaju potpuno interaktivan okoliš, tako da sve može biti uništeno.

   U multiplayeru, do 16 gamera se može suočiti u jednom od pet različitih modova, dok u co-op modu ćemo stupiti na istu stranu s drugim gamerima, do njih 8 i boriti se protiv umjetne inteligencije. Kroz ubijanja neprijatelja, likovi stječu iskustvo te s njim otključavaju nova oružja i opremu.

  Nadajmo se da će ovaj naslov donijeti nešto svježe na tržište PC naslova koji je ipak specijaliziran za pucačine iz prvog lica.

Category: NOVOSTI IZ SVIJETA GEJMINGA | Views: 1013 | Added by: Legend3::KobrA | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Ali   (2012-07-07 04:32:29) [Unosa]
clandestine inegilltence services WAS sold to the multinational Monsanto. When it should say: clandestine inegilltence services WERE sold to the multinational Monsanto. The first implies the company was sold and the second implies the company provided services.Either way, it is a rotten combination to mix mercenaries with corporate agendas. Amy Goodman's interview of Jeremy is excellent and shows the problems of mixing Blackwater, Xe, TSI with the Monsanto agenda.From 16 September 2010 Democracy Now link in Mep's comment:AMY GOODMAN: And, Jeremy, you’re talking about Constellation Consulting Group, or CCG. We want to thank you very much for being with us, Jeremy Scahill. The piece is explosive. It’s at Interesting you raise the issue of Blackwater spying for Monsanto, because tomorrow on Democracy Now! from here in Bonn, we’re going to speak with Canadian farmer Percy Schmeiser, who took on Blackwater in a big way. PERCY SCHMEISER: The Parliament in Cape Town of South Africa, and coming out of the Assembly, one of Monsanto’s representatives from Johannesburg ran face-to-face into us, and he lost his cool, and he said to my wife and myself—and he shook his fist in our face and said, Nobody stands up to Monsanto. We are going to get both of you, somehow, some day, and destroy you both. Phone calls my wife would receive: You better watch it. We’re going to get you. They would come into our driveway and watch what my wife would be doing all day. They would use their vehicles and sit on the roads alongside of our farmland, watch us all day long, to try and intimidate us and to put fear into us. end quoteThis is a really bad road to travel. Percy Schmeiser is a real hero. His interview on Democracy Now is excellent as well and was made the day after the Schahill interview.

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