

Black Ops 2 već obara rekorde

 Iako su neki analitičari predviđali pad popularnosti Call of Duty franšize, najpopularnija serija igara na svetu, sa Black Ops 2, još jednom obara rekorde.

  Black Ops 2 je, naime, prema podacima Amazona, tokom prvog dana pretprodaje, prošao bolje nego Black Ops u odnosu 10:1. Takođe, bilo je za 30 posto više preordera, nego prošle godine, kada je Modern Warfare 3 oborio sve rekorde.

 Black Ops 2 izlazi 13. novembra za PC, Xbox 360 i Playstation 3. Smešten je u blisku budućnost, a po prvi put donosi neku vrstu nelinearne solo kampanje. Za više detalje pogledajte našu Black Ops 2 najavu.

Category: NOVOSTI IZ SVIJETA GEJMINGA | Views: 1049 | Added by: Legend3::KobrA | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Dayane   (2012-07-07 02:35:06) [Unosa]
If your son plays the Campaign (story mode) there is a way you can turn off the cussing (somewhere in the seingtts) but trust me there is barely any if not none in the campaign If your son plays online with other people around the world, its not so simple: 1) Either you tell your son to mute all the people who have mics2) You get your son a mic, and make sure he does not have the mic in his ear, so he will still be able to listen to the game, but not hear other people cussing If your son is 13 years old, I'm sure he has seen worse / heard worse in high / middle school. Not to be blunt, but telling you the truth as a 14 year old. I think the game will be fine for him Its summer, let him have some fun Was this answer helpful?

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